Advanced Electrolysis Skin Care
Removing Skin Blemishes with Advanced Electrolysis
Many of us suffer from minor skin blemishes that can affect our confidence. They are much more common than you think. They can be due to a combination of factors, including ageing, UV damage and some health conditions.
Electrolysis is best known as a permanent hair removal method that works by passing an electrical current into the root of the hair follicle and destroying it. However, electrolysis can also remove skin blemishes such as skin tags, milia and thread veins.
Electrolysis has been used for more than 100 years to treat broken capillaries, spider veins and warts. But with advances in electrolysis technology, it is now a more straightforward and much safer procedure. We can successfully use it to remove, visibly reduce and improve the appearance of unwanted skin blemishes to offer immediate and effective results.
How does it work?
Advanced electrolysis is a treatment that delivers a thermolysis or diathermy (heat) current via a very fine needle. It either cauterises or lifts away the superficial epidermis (outer layer of skin), depending on the condition being treated.
What skin concerns can be treated?
Advanced electrolysis can treat:
Thread veins (Spider Telangiectasia, Spider Naevi or red veins)
Small capillaries that look like tiny threads or spiders’ legs. They can be individual or multiple on the cheeks or chest and can be due to genetic factors, hormones, skin trauma, extremes of temperature, obesity, pregnancy, stress or pressure on the area.
Blood spots (Campbell de Morgan spots or Cherry Angioma)
Small red spots that can appear on any area of your body. They are slightly raised or domed in shape and are of unknown origin.
Skin tags (Fibroepithelial Polyp/Papilloma)
Skin tags are very common, small flesh-coloured growths varying in size from smaller than a grain of rice to larger than a broad bean. They are often associated with friction either skin against skin or against clothing and are often found in the groin, under the breasts, around the neck and under the armpits.
Milia are hard white lumps lying under the surface of the skin. They can be mistaken for whiteheads but are actually keratin-filled cysts. Their exact cause is unknown, and they can occur in people of all ethnicities and ages. Cysts are typically found on the face, lips, eyelids, and cheeks.
Warts and Verrucas
Warts and verrucas are small, rough lumps or growths on your skin caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Most people get one at some point in their lives. They’re most common in children and young adults. A wart on the sole of your foot is called a verruca.
Seborrhoeic Keratosis
Grey, black or brown raised lesions that may appear on your body or scalp and are more common with age. The lesions can appear dry and crusty.
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra
Specific to black skin and a common papular disorder that develops in adolescence. The lesions are identical to seborrhoea keratosis and present as smooth, dome shaped, brown to black papules seen mainly on the cheeks, neck and upper chest.
Moles are a common type of skin growth. They often appear as small, dark brown spots and are caused by clusters of pigmented cells. Moles generally appear during childhood and adolescence. Most people have 10 to 40 moles, which may change in appearance or fade away over time.
Age spots (liver spots)
Age spots are small, flat darker areas on the skin that look a bit like large freckles. They vary in size and usually appear on areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, hands, shoulders and arms from middle age onwards.
A Xanthoma is a fatty growth that develops underneath the skin. These growths can appear anywhere on the body, but they typically form on the joints, especially the knees and elbows, feet, hands and buttocks. Xanthomas can vary in size, and the growths may be as small as a pinhead or as large as a grape. They often look like a flat bump under the skin and sometimes appear yellow or orange.
Syringomas are harmless sweat duct lesions. They are most often found in clusters on the eyelids, but they may also arise elsewhere on the face and body. A syringoma is a skin-coloured or yellowish firm round bump, one to three millimetres in diameter.
Sebaceous Cyst (Steatoma)
A slow-growing, protein-filled, yellow or white lump that can move easily under the skin. They can be found anywhere on the body (except the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet).
Depending on the blemish, the number of treatments you will need may vary, but we will discuss this with you during the initial consultation,
Things to Consider – Before, During and After Treatment
We recommend that you book a skin consultation with us before any advanced electrolysis treatment. During the consultation we will look at your skin blemish(es) and ask you about any health issues that may affect the treatment. We’ll also explain the treatment, what we will do, the time it will take, and any aftercare required.
For some blemishes and skin lesions, such as moles, we may ask you to consult your doctor before starting treatment. Your health and wellbeing are our priority.
We always want our clients to feel fully informed and relaxed when they come for their treatment sessions.
Advanced Electrolysis is completely safe.
Clients describe the treatment sensation as mildly uncomfortable but easily tolerated, with a warm stinging sensation.
We give all our clients an aftercare cream to take home and advise you on how to treat your skin for the next couple of weeks. If you need further treatments, we will discuss this with you.
Clients often ask what the recovery time is for the procedure, but this depends on the blemish you are having treated. Generally, allow two weeks after the treatment for swelling, redness and scabs/crusts to disappear.
You are in safe hands
Therapists at our beauty salon in Central London are experienced professionals. Our priority is that you feel relaxed and comfortable during your treatment session. We are happy to talk you through the procedure and answer questions that arise at any time.
If you have questions about any of our treatments, please call us at the salon, and we will be only too happy to help. If you are new to some treatments (e.g. facials, waxing and IPL) or have sensitive skin, why not book a consultation and patch test. This will help us advise you on the best treatment options for your skin and hair type.
Related products available from our online shop
Celluma HOME LED Light Therapy
The Celluma HOME is a 2-mode LED device that addresses specific age-related challenges including wrinkles, arthritic pain, muscle and joint pain, muscle spasm and poor blood circulation.
Environ Tri-peptide Complex Advance Moisturiser
A luxurious, multifunctional cream containing a trilogy of peptide complexes, additional moisturisers and vitamin E that may assist in giving skin an age-defying boost.
Environ Vita-Peptide C-Quence Serum 1
An introductory moisturiser that contains a low concentration of vitamin A and a medium concentration of vitamin C. Formulated for all skin types, it assists in improving the appearance of uneven skin tone, moisturises and softens the appearance of fine lines.
Skin Care & Blemish Removal Treatments
Consultation – Advanced Electrolysis 15 min
Mole Removal 15 min
Skin Tag Removal 15 min
Thread Vein + Red Vein Removal - Face only 15 min
Milia Removal 15 min
Milia Removal 30 min
Age Spots (liver spots) Removal
Blood spots (Campbell de Morgan spots or Cherry Angioma) Removal
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Removal
Sebaceous Cyst (Steatoma) Removal
Seborrhoeic Keratosis Removal
Skin Tag (Fibroepithelial Polyp/Papilloma) Removal
Syringoma Removal
Thread Vein (Red Vein) Removal - Face only
Warts and Verruca Removal
Xanthoma Removal